The 2023 Halloween show at Pompadour Castle is inspired by Tim Burton's unique and dark world, offering an unforgettable and terrifying immersive experience. This year, we transport the audience to a fantastical realm where horror blends with magic. Each scene, from the mysterious forest to the gothic cemetery and a surreal circus, is a living macabre tableau.
The audience won’t emerge from this experience unscathed; they will be haunted by the frightening characters throughout the rest of the evening.
My role was first to develop the show's scenario and define the art direction. Once the style was confirmed, I took care of the design and animation of the title sequence.
I designed and animated the title sequence, crafting a haunting and hypnotic world on the facade. The typography is inspired by Tim Burton's film posters, with twisted curves and eerie accents to heighten the horror. Additional elements were incorporated into the letters, referencing his movies, like the Cheshire Cat's smile in Alice in Wonderland.
Starting with the UV mapping of the 3D models, I designed the clown costumes, blending the vibrant palette of the circus with patterns frequently found in Tim Burton's work. After receiving approval for the design, I provided the textures to the 3D animator.
I was responsible for the show's credits, incorporating certain characters from the previous scenes, designing the frames, and handling the compositing.
At the conclusion of the show, a terrifying clown invites the spectators to enter the castle and continue their journey into this horrific evening. I developed the concept and contributed to the hand animation.